Frequently Asked Questions

In order to register with NPA you must be considered a dealer in the state that you are doing business in. Pending your state requirements, the following items are needed to register:

  • Business License
  • Dealer License
  • Resale License
  • Federal Tax ID Number
  • Surety Bond
  • Government Issued ID
  • Copy of Voided Company Check

All NPA locations are open 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday.
All NPA locations are closed Saturday & Sunday and all major holidays.
All NPA locations are open 8:00am - 2:00pm on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.
*Hours of operation are local time for each location.*

We accept the following forms of payment for all Live Auctions, Insurance|Total Loss, eSale, and Exchange purchases:

  • Cashier's Check
  • Business Check (7 business day inventory hold)
  • eCheck (4 business day inventory hold)
  • Floor plans from AFC, Wells Fargo CDF, Northpoint Flooring & HDFS
  • ACH (Bank fees may apply)
  • Wire Transfer (Additional $30 fee applies)
  • Credit Card (Only non-auction purchases under $5,000 limit)
  • Cash (Only non-auction purchases under $600 limit)

Payment is required within 2 business days of the date of invoice for simulcast and online purchases. Payment is required the day of auction for live purchases. Auction items are required to be picked up within 10 business days of the date of invoice; afterwards storage fees of $20 per auction item per day will be charged. Vehicle purchase price and other fees applicable to vehicle sale are due at checkout on the sale date. Any invoice with an outstanding balance after ten days from the invoice date, will be charged a 2% late payment fee on the unpaid balance.

PDF Icon  Methods of Payment

AFC, Wells Fargo CDF, Northpoint Flooring & HDFS

NPA San Diego, NPA Dallas & NPA Atlanta auction payoffs are sent to dealers the Tuesday following the auction. NPA Philadelphia, NPA Lakeland & NPA Cincinnati auction payoffs are sent to dealers the Friday following the auction. NPA Denver, NPA Sacramento, & Portland payoffs are sent to dealers the Monday following the auction.

All payoffs are sent from NPA San Diego, Corporate Headquarters. To access your Payoffs click Here.

It is the responsibility of the purchasing dealer to research and pay any back fees on the unit. It is also the purchasing dealer's responsibility to know what type of units they can and cannot title or register within their state.

If a dealer purchases a vehicle they are not able to title or register in their state, NPA will not allow the dealer to return the vehicle.

BOS - Bill of Sale; usually for units in a non-title state.

MSO - Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin; unit has never been titled.

TCMG - Title Coming; this may take up to 8 weeks to be received.

Legal Docs - We have all of the legal documentation to apply for a title, but no physical title

TMU - True Miles Unknown;

7,500 Mile Rule - CA dealers cannot register a unit titled in another state with less than 7,500 miles on it.

Titles and consignment forms must be received at the auction facility prior to auction day. Once consignments have been submitted online, it is best to send titles in a trackable form of mail to the auction location you are sending the vehicle to. There is a $35 Late Title Fee if title is not received by auction day.

Private party consignments are accepted if the title is in the seller's name.

Upload vehicles online by entering the year, make, model and VIN of each vehicle you are sending to auction along with the type of documents you possess for the vehicle. After submitting online consignments, please make copies of vehicle documents and email them immediately to the NPA location where your vehicle will be consigned. Immediately after emailing, send the physical paperwork to the Consignment Admin of the NPA facility the vehicles are going.

 How-To Consign Video Tutorial

A Reserve is the minimum amount a unit can be sold for. There are three different types of reserves to choose from:

Close - Your vehicle will be sold if the high bid is within $200 of the reserve. Vehicles with a high bid within $1,500 of reserve will go Subject To.

Firm - Your vehicle will be sold only if the high bid has meet or exceed your reserve. Vehicles with a high bid within $1,000 of reserve will go Subject To.

Average - This only applies when consigning multiple vehicles. Vehicles will be sold if the average sale price is greater than average reserves of all offered vehicles.

Motorcycles, ATV's, PWC:
Drop off by end of business day 2 days prior to Auctions for Live Auction locations.

  • NPA Atlanta – Drop off by end of business Wednesday
  • NPA Cincinnati – Drop off by end of business day Monday
  • NPA Dallas – Drop off by end of business Wednesday
  • NPA Denver – Drop off by end of business Tuesday
  • NPA Lakeland – Drop off by end of business day Tuesday
  • NPA Philadelphia – Drop off by end of business day Monday
  • NPA Sacramento – Drop off by end of business Tuesday
  • NPA Portland – Drop off by end of business Tuesday
  • NPA San Diego – Drop off by end of business Wednesday

Boats & RV's:
Drop off by end of business day 4 business days prior to auction

  • NPA Atlanta – Drop off by end of business Monday
  • NPA Cincinnati – Drop off by end of business day Thursday
  • NPA Dallas – Drop off by end of business day Monday
  • NPA Denver – Drop off by end of business day Friday
  • NPA Lakeland – Drop off by end of business day Friday
  • NPA Philadelphia – Drop off by end of business day Thursday
  • NPA Sacramento – Drop off by end of business Friday
  • NPA Portland – Drop off by end of business Friday
  • NPA San Diego – Drop off by end of business Monday
  • Re-run the unit into the next live auction
  • Post the vehicle on NPA eSale
  • Redeem the vehicle and transport back to dealership. All units still at NPA beginning the 11th business day after redemption will incur a $20 per unit per day storage fee.

Global Search allows dealers to find vehicles from all live auctions, exchanges and online platforms and displays them on one page.

 How-To Use Global Search Video Tutorial

A Wish List can be created for vehicles that dealers are interested in but NPA does not currently have in auction.

A Watch List is a consolidated list of units a dealer has shown interest in for an upcoming auction.

  • Floor Bid - Bid made by a dealer physically present at the auction
  • Counter Offer - A bid the seller makes to counter the high bidder's offer
  • KSR - History of fees in California for specific unit run by NPA. NPA will run these reports as necessary
  • Report of Sale - A transfer of ownership or bill of sale
  • Odometer Descriptions:

    OHV - Off Highway Vehicle
    Actual - Actual Mileage
    Exp - Exempt, some states title units over 10 years old with exempt mileage
    Miles/Hours Unknown - Unable to view odometer due to the vehicle currently being out of your possession
    TMU - True Miles Unknown
    PWC - Personal Watercraft

No. All registered members have one username and password.

Yes, except for the NPA Value Guide, which is for powersport inventory, you will use all the same NPA tools and applications.

If a dealer is using an NPA contracted carrier, the average transportation time is 7-10 days.
For more information contact:

An Inter-Facility Transfer is transportation of units between NPA facilities.

Value Guide Pro™ is the industry’s most powerful powersport pricing tool ever.

If a vehicle is “Subject-To” the high bid did not meet the reserve. NPA will attempt to negotiate a sale between the buyer and seller.

NPA eSale is an online auction platform that provides units for purchase 24/7.

 How-To Purchase & Navigate NPA eSale

If a dealers high bid is within a certain percentage of the reserve but has not met reserve, you will receive a Last Chance Offer via email. Offers are only available on exchanges and are valid until 10pm Pacific standard. If no response is received by then, the unit will be a no sale.

Upon the end time of the auction, the item remains open as needed until there has been 5 minutes of no bid activity. This is only available on exchanges.

Simulcast is NPA's online bidding software.

 How-To Buy on Auction Day

Google Chrome, MacOS Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge

Yes! NPA Simucast allows for mobile bidding on the NPA Dealer Marketplace App. Download it today on the Apple App Store or get it on Google Play. Search for NPA Dealer Marketplace app and download.

Dealers are able to bid online using NPA Simulcast software. If a dealer is unable to bid online during a live auction, Proxy Bids may be placed for units without the dealer being present.

If a dealer is unable to bid during a live auction, Proxy Bids can be placed for live auction units without the dealer being present.

Once logged in to go to "BUY" on top navigation, choose which auction location and click the lane you are interested in. Once you have chosen a unit select “Place Bid“ button. When the page has loaded, fill in the required information and click submit.

 How-To Enter Proxy Bids

Please call NPA Dealer Registration at 888.292.5339 ext. 923301 during business hours and an NPA representative will discuss your account with you.

Condition reports can now be found on the Purchases and Bids page on your account. You can also find your subject-to's, last chance offers, and proxy bids from this page as well.

NPA does not publish auction results after a sale. The NPA Value Guide™ will give you a real-time average price a unit sold for, and dealers can filter search criteria by month, location, and condition breakdown.

After you login, click the BUY tab then RV & Marine Auctions. On the RV+Marine landing page, Click on the GLOBAL LISTING button. Marine Search Example: In the Segment field to the left, click MARINE to automatically check off Boat and PWC in the Category field. After you’ve selected, click anywhere and then Click the SUBMIT button. If you only want one selection, then click All in the Category field and choose the unit in the Select Categories of Interest drop down. Click Reset to start a new search.

How-To Tutorial Videos

How-To Register

How-To Buy On Auction Day

NPA Company Overview

How-To Purchase On The Harley-Davidson Dealer Exchange

How To Participate In NPA Auctions for Golf Car Buyers

How To Use NPA Value Guide Pro

How-To Consign

AVP How-To

How-To Navigate The Piaggio Group Americas, Inc. Online Dealer Platform

How to Participate in NPA Auctions

How-To Access Your Inventory

How-To Use Global Search

How-To Purchase & Navigate NPA eSale

Maximizing Profits With Recreational Vehicle Auctions

The Profitability of Boat Auctions

Purchased Inventory & Place Bids

How-To Read a Condition Report

How-To Enter Proxy Bids

How To Purchase on the BRP Dealer Exchange

All About NPA Condition Reports